In collaboration with TeqBlaze under an NDA, a leading American SSP provider sought to boost advertising efficiency. This mission was pursued through the advancement of partner customization and automation features, utilizing TeqBlaze's white-label SSP solution.
We delivered a solution that preserved the basic functionality, keeping the old customers satisfied (the transition for them has been as painless as possible - no customer has been lost) while fostering immense opportunities for engaging with the new clientele.
The core benefit that our client got from working with TeqBlaze can be classified as the combination of cutting costs, reaching business objectives, and maximizing profit as a result of adopting a new white-label SSP, featuring all the customization and automation properties required to meet the demands of modern markets.
During the first year of the cooperation with TeqBlaze our client has reached a benchmark of 1 billion impressions available across 5oo thousand sites and apps monthly. Last but not least, we have been able to translate its efforts into maximizing our client’s income tenfold. Here, you can find a detailed report on how and where our client prospered from the product delivered by TeqBlaze.
As for today, our collaboration has reached a significant milestone, and we're proud to report the successful culmination of our efforts. The client acquired the white-label platform from TeqBlaze during their transformation into a public corporation. This process has been characterized by mutual satisfaction and remarkable achievements. As part of our commitment, we assembled a dedicated team to specialize in the client's platform, ensuring a seamless integration of services and expertise.